Greetings Capon Friends!
It's Ginny here....
Anyone play any good tricks on you today? I remember my mom (Claire Kay) telling me stories about the "pranks" her mother (Virginia Austin) would play on April Fool's Day. Grandmuzz (my grandmother) had "funny" silverware that would collapse if you tried to eat with it, rubber food and the one thing that would always start my mom laughing til she was in tears: a dribble glass! It had a small slit near the top and when you tilted it up to drink...the water would dribble down your chin! I guess you had to be there...but it brings a smile to my face, remembering my mom laughing and thinking of the fun my grandmother had.
been a busy winter for me as I try to get a handle on all that is "Food
Service" at Capon
Springs! I have a greater appreciation for the job that Carolyn did for
so many years, that's for sure! And I ask for your understanding if there
are a few bumps and blips this season or if I stare at you blankly as you walk
in the dining room while my mind races as I try to remember your name and
remember where your table is! I joked with a few people last year:
the first person I forget to set a table for, wins a jar of apple butter!
In all seriousness though, please feel free to come and talk with me about any
special dietary needs or any dining room concerns...I'll do my best to work
things out.
before I move on to other things, I have to mention Capon's Food Service
supervisors. In working more closely with them this winter, I have come
to see just how much they care about Capon and how truly dedicated they are.
Even knowing most of them for many years, I just had no idea. Capon is
truly blessed to have such amazing co-workers. They certainly make my job so
much easier!
speaking of amazing co-workers: this year, Alicia LaFollette, another long time
co-worker and Ruby (in the office at night)'s daughter-in-law, will officially
be your "go to person" for all that is Spa! Last year,
Alicia begun gradually taking on more and more of the daily responsibility of
running the Spa. I know many of you know me as "the Spa
Lady"...but this year Alicia's ready for the title! I will still be
glad to answer questions and I think Alicia will still have me finding you in
the Dining Room to ask you about spa appointments...
family is doing well. Megan and Brian and Sam have dogs now.... No they
are NOT my grand-dogs.... But I do admit to having a basket of dog toys and
treats as well as special water and food dishes at my house! :) No grandchildren yet!
Sam's passion about Capon's Farm and most things Capon is an unexpected joy. He's had a busy winter. You'll
have to ask him about a title he and Eddie now share! See if you can
catch up with him and get a tour of the Farm, the almost completely re-built
barn and our new "Eggmobile"! (Look for the full story about
the barn renovation in an upcoming Capon Weekly!) And with Megan living a
little closer now (in Frederick, MD) she has been able to work with Jonathan on
some projects, like launching and managing Capon's FaceBook page. Working
in the "outside world" for a few years has given her some different
perspectives about Capon but her love for Capon still seems to be running
strong in her blood! Eddie and I are most certainly lucky to have
such amazing "kids" - son-in-law included!
rambled on enough.... Hopefully we will see you soon. Will you be joining
us for Easter Weekend? I have a few "Food Service" surprises
For the Capon Family
For the Capon Family
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